
Guess Who’s Back Again!

Back again? Yes, it’s me! If you’ve followed me at all during the last 10 or so years, you’ll know that I’ve tried my hand at blogging on several occasions during that time. Each of those times, the blog varied a bit. It focused on one specific topic that I may have been dabbling in at that moment. For a while, it was a fitness blog. Another time, my blog focused on natural personal care. Granted, I’m still a believer and “doer” of those topics. Because I will never stop working out or trying to use natural alternatives to conventional products. Although there are some non-negotiables where I’ll use ALL the chemicals. But those won’t necessarily be the focus of this blog.

So what’s the focus now that I’m back again? This time around, vulnerability is at the forefront 🥴. V-U-L-N-E-R-A-B-I-L-T-Y is a four-letter word for me. But, through therapy, I’ve learned that it’s a necessary evil quality. “They” say being vulnerable is a strength and not a weakness. Quite frankly, I don’t buy it! You can absolutely tell I don’t love the idea of vulnerability. But, I guess I’ll give it a shot. What do I have to lose, right?

Back Again

Back Again…So what’s going on here?

Being vulnerable entails putting yourself out there. So…Here I am, back again, at this blogging thing. So what can you expect this go around? A little bit of everything, I guess. Trips, trying new hobbies, sports or recipes. If you plan on hopping on here on a regular basis, you’d better enjoy sunrise pictures. Because there will be a LOT of those. Those are my favorite!

In short, I’m just trying to figure myself out and what a 40-something year old woman with no small children is “supposed” to be doing. What IS that anyway? What ARE we supposed to be doing? I guess we’ll find out together now that I’m back again.