Comfort Zone…I don’t know her (anymore). I lived in my comfort zone…It was my home! I was in a vicious cycle. I’d come up with a great idea, create a plan, start. But once the slightest inconvenience arose, I’d quit. Of course, I’d make up some pretty credible excuses as to why “this thing” wasn’t for me.
Around Fall last year, I started questioning what I wanted to do with my life. Tim was very supportive and suggested I may be bored. I think, subconsciously, I knew I needed something that would take me out of my comfort zone. It took me another three months to make a decision. Finally, in December 2022, pulled the trigger….I applied to become a flight attendant.
I began the application process December 2022. Every step since then has made me uncomfortable. From the application process, to interviewing, to training, it’s been the most challenging process I’ve been through voluntarily. It’s tested my patience and flexibility. These are qualities where I need the most improvement. The challenges of being uncomfortable continue even after successfully completing training and being “on the line”. Despite challenges, I am truly enjoying the job. Sometimes, I wonder if I should’ve done this sooner. There is so much truth to the saying, “Growth happens outside of your comfort zone.”
The biggest challenge during training was the ditching drill. This drill simulates a water evacuation. If you know me at all, you know that I am NOT comfortable in the water if my feet are not touching the bottom. The drill consisted of jumping out of an airplane shell into a seven-foot pool, and “swimming” over to a raft. Before I jumped into the water, I had a moment of hesitation. I had to ask myself, “Do you want to be a flight attendant or not?” It wasn’t pretty nor graceful, but I did it!

More Discomfort After Training? Of course, there is!
Another step away out of my comfort zone was the base I was assigned. Where are am I based? You’ll just have to stay tuned to this blog and check back in.