Goals - Motivation

Goals for 2024

Goals…Of course it wouldn’t be January 1st without a “New Year, New Me” type of post. This is one is a bit different, though. It’s self-serving. Despite that, I’m hoping you’ll find some motivation in it. I’m using this more as a journal entry. I’d like to be able to come back to this post late this year or early 2025 and see how my year went. We already know how to set SMART goals. If not, go back and read last year’s January 1st post.

It’s natural to want to set resolutions for a new year. January 1st always feels like a new beginning, but we should keep in mind that EVERY day is a new beginning. As I’ve mentioned before, setting resolutions can be detrimental because it feels like an all-or-nothing pursuit. Once you miss that ONE day, it feels like you just need to wait till next Monday, next month, or even next year. Setting attainable goals keeps you motivated all year, regardless of any hiccups. And it’s important to remember that hiccups life WILL happen.

Because life does happen, it’s important to decide WHAT you want to achieve, figure out what motivates you, pick a plan that works for you, and consistent!

Goals on Deck

This year, I’ve set 3 goals. Usually, I go all out and set a lot more than that. But, this year, I’m being realistic. With the unpredictability of being a flight attendant, it’s important my goals are flexible. Otherwise, I’d be setting myself up for failure.

  • Run a Half-Marathon: One of my top goals is to get back to running. I plan to take it eas(ish). If I start C25K now, I should be able to run a half marathon by the end of the year. That long timeframe gives me wiggle room.
  • Become Fluent in Portuguese: It’s time to dust off the Rosetta Stone program I bought a few years ago.
  • More Leisure Travel: This one is self-explanatory.
  • Volunteer: I still don’t have clear direction as to where I’ll volunteer. But it’s something that God put on heart. I’ll figure that one out soon. More on that once I do.

What are your goals for 2024? I’d love to hear what you’re planning for this year.